Kaipara Moana Panui update

In October last year an historic agreement was signed at Waihaua Marae, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Crown, local government and local iwi which forms the basis for the government to contribute $100 Million towards the cost of restoring the health of...

Otamatea HarbourCare Update – 20 April 2021

Nursery news The plants in the nursery are looking great, and are big enough to be planted out now, but leaving it a month would be safer in terms of soil moisture.  I have had a few enquiries already for plants but won’t be taking any orders until next...

Otamatea HarbourCare Update – 22 March 2021

Well I must have been having fun, because the five months since the last Update have really flown.  The main thing is that the plants in the nursery are overall looking really good, most of our mainstay flax Manuka and cabbage trees would be big enough for them...

Kaipara Moana Remediation Update

Integrated Kaipara Harbour Management Group have provided the attached update on what is happening around the Kaipara catchment, particularly around the Kaipara Moana Remediation. Click below to read the first panui of the progress being made to date as we all wait to...

Working Bee: Friday 12 February

Happy New Year again people This Friday morning there’s a variety of tasks to attend to; NEW ROOF: good progress has been made in preparing the potting up area to get a new plastic roof, which means that there are bits of plastic to fold up for disposal, lots of...