Latest highlights:

First Community Planting Day confirmed
Our Givealittle page now live
Nursery working bee
If a picture’s worth a thousand words…
First Community Planting Day confirmed

Mark Saturday 10th of June down in your diaries for a planting day at the White Rock Hills property, Marohemo – your hosts Bryce & Aneta, Peter & Prue.  This follows on from the success of last season’s planting, and demonstrates their commitment to an ongoing restoration programme.  When you’ve met the people, you’ve viewed the land and their animals then you understand why they did so well in the Balance Farm Environment Awards this year.

Those of you who have been involved with us in previous years will know we have been honoured by the presence and support of Te Radar, not to mention a certain part-time local, P Henry.  This year our freshly minted Mayor, Greg Gent has committed to making the time in his very busy schedule to come along and help out on this planting day.  So if you can come along to the planting day you will also have the chance not just to meet our Mayor, but also to work alongside him.  How good is that?

Te Radar sends his best wishes, by the way.

Our Givealittle page now live

We now have a Givealittle page.  With the patience and persistence of the good people at Givealittle we now have a convenient way for people to support our cause financially.  It will be a space for people to check out what we are up to without going onto Facebook.  Check it out at

If a picture’s worth a thousand words…

What would a moving picture be worth?  I have a cunning plan to enhance our Givealittle page with a brief video.  Have a look at the Project Island Song page for an example of the sort of thing I am hoping to get produced.  See: . Anyone got ideas of ways and means of achieving this?

Nursery working bee

I now have a separate email list for notifying nursery working bees, but the timing is right to add this here as well.  We will be having a session this Thursday morning starting at about 8.30am.  The main thing will just be weeding.  By then Robin Dickens should have been with his grader to level out the metalling on the track, which should make it a whole lot better for access over the winter months.  It will be a lot easier to load plants out too.