Lions Community planting event this Saturday morning
A couple of weeks ago Jim and some other committed members of the community went and planted about 1,100 trees alongside part of the Lions walkway beyond the newly extended boardwalk. More than 3,000 trees had been donated by Kauri Park Nurseries, and we held them over the summer at the HarbourCare nursery to keep them watered.
A further 700 are to be planted this Saturday, and Jim is asking for some extra hands to get the job done. Because parking is limited at the Pahi Rd end of the track, we ask that you meet up at the Paparoa Hall carpark at 8.45 so we can carpool. If enough people turn up it should take less than 2 hours
On the day you will need gloves, spades, a water bottle, sturdy shoes
Contact Jim on 431 7290 or 021 444 370 if you’d like to take part.
If you don’t have a decent planting spade, don’t worry – we will have a selection to choose from.
Definitely planting season now so….
- if your property is within the Maungaturoto free calling area,
- you want trees for planting alongside waterways or erosion-prone land,
- you prepare the site yourself and make sure it is adequately fenced,
- it is not for a resource consent purpose,
- you come and collect them from our nursery yourself,
- and you are a member of HarbourCare Society (annual subscription for 2020-21 year is $10)
then the plants will be free, except as follows:
In order to increase the range of wetland plant species available, the committee has decided to purchase three types of sedges from another nursery because we haven’t yet got around to growing them ourselves. The society will be subsidising the cost of these so we will be charging 50 cents per pot or $10 per tray of 28 as appropriate.
If you want a hand with planting if you are not up to it yourself, we may be able to arrange something. Get in touch so we can discuss it. I am looking for sites which would be suitable for a community planting event as we have had great support already this year, and its fun!
Nga mihi
Mark Vincent
Otamatea HarbourCare