Latest highlights:
Planting activities
Trees still available
Kauri Museum Settlers Day
Country Calendar
Nursery update
Planting activities
Since the last Update we have held a planting day with the senior pupils from Matakohe School at Ruatuna (the historic Coates Homestead). This was their third time there, and the fifth time they have helped with our planting programme. They had the opportunity of a tour through the homestead guided by local expert Mary, then it was down to work to get the mostly cabbage trees and flax into the ground. The seed for the cabbage trees was from the very site that they were planting in, formally covenanted as a cabbage tree forest remnant. Once again they did their school proud.
We also have established a bit of a tradition with students from Otamatea High School, who this year planted along a waterway on the Kenworthy-Thompson property at Marohemo. Last year a couple of guys had to show how tough they were by eating raw chillies; this year’s highlight was a brief and unscheduled plunge into the stream by a fully clothed young man. I guess that enhanced his learning experience….
There was the potential for a community planting day again at the Roadley property at Batley, but because of the location of the site and the ground conditions it just wasn’t feasible, so we got the Stedigrowth people on the job again. I was interested to see the number of kowhai growing right up against the edge of the harbour. They have some other species now for company.
Trees still available
Even though a number of people have taken up the offer of free trees from our nursery, and are doing the planting themselves, we still have some trees available, so give us a shout if you think you might have a suitable site. We still have some bamboo stakes left, for those who need them.
Kauri Museum Settlers Day
I will be having a stand at the Kauri Museum Settlers Day on Saturday 6th of October. Do pop in for a chat if you are in the area. Better still, put the date in your calendar now, and make a point of coming along to join in the fun. There are rumours of wandering minstrels too…
Country Calendar
Be watching Country Calendar on the 14th October – they visited White Rock Hills last June and it should include some coverage of our planting day there. You might see a few familiar faces.
Nursery update
I expect we will have seedlings for potting up some time next month.
You are welcome to view our new website . You are even more welcome to offer to help out as an administrator for the site, as it is not one of my strengths. You may not be up to planting on the side of a hill but you might be able to help out with keeping the website up to date. Please get in touch if you think that might be you.
The AGM was held on the 10th of July. We have retained the membership fee at $10 per head. I have attached the updated membership form for you to complete. If you are renewing and your details haven’t changed, all you need to do is pay your sub into the bank account number listed on the form, and label it “sub”. It’s in Word, so you can fill it in and return it without having to print it off.