Latest highlights:
The planting programme – we’re nearly, nearly finished
Nursery working bee
The planting programme – we’re nearly nearly finished
Just yesterday a team from Otamatea High School Primary Industries Class came out to McKay’s dairy farm (just up the road from Lupton’s place where we planted 2,650 trees, remember), and in a little over an hour they planted 380 flaxes, cabbage trees and karamu. Job well done! I did enjoy the company of these young people as they applied their youthful exuberance to the task at hand. Thanks to them and to their Teacher Marco Troost for making themselves available. Thanks too to Countdown for topping them up with Snickers bars – I couldn’t let the leftovers from the Cockings planting day go to waste!
Our tally for the season now stands at 15,775, so we should hit our target in a week or so. We will still likely have some trees and flax left over from our remaining committed planting. Let me know if you have any ideas for finding a home for them. We don’t want to set up in competition with commercial nurseries, but a contribution to our funds in return for plants would be appreciated.
Nursery working bee
We will be having a working bee in the nursery this Thursday morning at the usual start time of 8.37 am. By then I will have another lot of potting mix and some more right-sized pots. We have plenty more pricking out to do.